Custom, Simple Social Media Strategy inside The CEO. Accelerator™ that allows you to magnetise new clients on repeat.

It’s your time to

get fully booked out

with high-ticket or done-for-you clients!

Your key?

What’s the ONLY difference between an

in-demand, booked-out business...

that allows you to experience

true financial freedom,

spend more time with your family, and take those bucket-list trips you’ve pinned to your vision board...

...and the one that leaves you burnt out, throwing in the towel on your entrepreneurial dream, and returning to your soul-sucking 9-5 job?

And if you guessed

a bunch of differently-priced offers… 

you'd be wrong.

And if you guessed

a fancy website and sales page…

you'd be wrong.

And if you guessed

a huge Instagram™ following… 

you'd be wrong.

if you guessed

creating consistent content…

you'd be wrong.

Because while those things have their place....

They’re only part of the equation.

The no-BS truth?

Unless you’re using Instagram™ as a client attraction magnet to bring in at least 3-5 new clients every single week…

The business you’re hustling so hard to grow

will at best result in a few clients trickling in over a verrrry long time

seriously testing your patience. 😅

...and at worst, see you packing in your plans altogether and heading right back to that white-walled corporate cubicle where you’ll spend your days making someone else’s dream a reality and depending on that annual 3% raise (if you’re lucky!) to help you cover your rising grocery bill… 

(3 months? 6 months? It’s anyone’s guess!)...

The moment that 

changed everything

for me.

(And why I still cringe when I remember it…)

You’ve probably experienced this before.

Maybe even dozens of times.

You’re nervously waiting on one end of a Zoom call for a prospective client to enter the waiting room.

You’ve looked over their application form and scanned their IG profile, now you’re just waiting for them to arrive so you can get this discovery call underway… except they don’t arrive.

10 minutes pass and all you hear are crickets.

You’re nervously waiting on one end of a Zoom call for a prospective client to enter the waiting room.

You’ve looked over their application form and scanned their IG profile, now you’re just waiting for them to arrive so you can get this discovery call underway… except they don’t arrive.

10 minutes pass and all you hear are crickets.

Maybe you can relate.

Because, in my mind...

There’s nothing worse than being ghosted.

It’s a situation that can make you feel like you should just throw in the towel on this business thing altogether.

And I still remember the first time I felt like this. 

When I was just starting my coaching business, I took 53 discovery calls over 2.5 months… and I bummed out o a whopping 51 of them. I should’ve converted 80% of those leads, which would’ve meant $100K USD in the bank.

...but instead, I only made TWO sales.

I knew my system for getting clients wasn’t working and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had no clue what I was doing.

But the most painful thing wasn’t that I missed out on over $100K in revenue… It was that my clear lack of knowledge served as a constant reminder of my failure to do something that every OSP or coach should know how to do… 

book clients!

me when I was just starting my biz

But even still...

I wouldn’t change this experience if I could.

Because it was the catalyst that took me from waking up every day feeling anxious and stressed out because I couldn’t hit my income goals to calm and confident because I FINALLY had a plan.

A simple, step-by-step plan for bringing in at least 3-5 new clients every single week – more on that in a moment.

But before you can do that too, you’ve gotta realize this:

But first, there are a few things I want clear up…

In a moment, I’m going to show you how to finally make those consistent cash months (aka your one-way ticket to financial freedom!) a reality.

You deserve to book airline tickets on a whim – whether that’s your dream trip to Europe or simply to visit family interstate at any given time… without anyone having to “approve” your leave.

You deserve to own your dream home, pay off your debt, bulk up a big emergency fund, and invest in your family’s future.

You deserve to be able to structure your time the way you want – so you can spend time with your kids while they’re young or enjoy that mid-week luxe lunch with the ladies without worrying about the cost of the bill.

You deserve to not just 'get by' with a few clients here and there... you deserve to THRIVE.

With the number of hours (gasp, hundreds!) you’ve spent posting on Instagram every day, waiting for messages to come through in your DMs, and devouring every mini-offer, masterclass, and course you can get your hands on, you deserve to have those consistent $10K months.

to pay you what you’re worth?

who are ready (and willing!)

an influx of ideal clients

...isn’t it about time you had

to this whole “getting clients thing”...

crack the code

With all those late nights you’ve spent hunched over your Macbook creating content in Canva and the endless hours you’ve traded in for scrolling through Instagram posts for that biz coach’s one piece of advice that’ll help you


if you want to attract an influx of ideal clients who are ready (and willing!) to pay you what you’re worth.

Here are 4 beliefs you MUST break up with now

So if you know you've got the high quality product to bring to the table, I am 100% confident in my ability to help you communicate the value. Deal? Deal.

Now, your name may not be Elon 😉, but the fact remains that with a high quality, well-delivered product, plus messaging that clearly demonstrates the value of the offer, you can sell the same way.

one of The biggest mistakes I see coaches and online service providers make is waiting to sell high ticket because they think they aren't ready.

More importantly, this is what you need, too.

This proved that with a unique product (the actual thing being delivered to the client) and a stellar offer (the value communicated), you can sell at any price point.

But in a market where electric vehicles were considered boring and lackluster to drive, before having ever sold a car, with founders who had never even built a car, Tesla released its first car – the Roadster – for just shy of $100,000 USD.

When Tesla came into the market, they had a very clear vision to have a diverse range of models, and affordability was very much on their long-term agenda.

Let's whiz back to 2003 for a minute, a time when most cars were still gas guzzlers and electric / hybrid vehicles weren't very sexy except to the highly environmentally conscious, clean energy crowd. Enter: Tesla. 

Imagine this...

Because your ability to charge premium, high ticket prices lies in your ability to communicate the value of your offer, 

Let me be very clear: you DO need to have the ability to deliver quality to your client. But just because it's more "affordable," doesn't mean it's easier to sell.

In fact, holding on to this belief is very likely going to keep you in a constant feast-or-famine cycle. (Sound familiar?)


It's easier to sell low ticket, one-time offers than high ticket retainers

Myth #1

My belief? You can charge the high ticket prices you want to be charging (on retainer), get fully booked out, have a warm pipeline of leads waiting to work with you, and have that 6+ figure business – it’s time you believed in yourself. 

You know you've got a killer offer and you have so much to bring to the table – so your hang up with thinking you can't sell high ticket retainer packages has far more to do with your belief in your ability to command those prices than it does the number of client wins you've racked up. 

Because it's you, hi! You're the problem, it's you 🙈

Because you know I never sugar coat things, here's the cold, hard truth:

If you're not selling at the price point you want to be at, having 2 or 20 or 200 more testimonials won't make a difference.

  • The ability to speak directly to the heart and soul of your ideal, high ticket client with – so much so that they feel like you're in their head!
  • Strategic, thoughtful messaging that clearly demonstrates the value you bring to the table
  • An irresistible offer that makes it easy for people who need what you do to say, YES!

Here’s what you actually need to sell high ticket retainer offers:

So if you think you need to wait until you have more testimonials to "prove" yourself to high ticket buyers... well, you'd be wrong.

But the truth is that testimonials and social proof don't equal sales. (If they did, every time you posted client feedback, new clients would be banging down your door!)

I know business owners who don't have a single testimonial publicly available who are crushing it with 6- and multi 6-figure businesses.

I get why you might think that. Because it seems like all of the “successful” business coaches and service providers have loads and loads of testimonials... so why would anyone pick YOU? 


I need more social proof before I can raise my rates

Myth #2

You do not need “all of the things” to successfully grow your business – you can get started with what you have today.

Moral of the story? 

Your offer works the same way. You can start small, raise your rates, and just by focusing on that ONE thing, as it rolls down the hill, it will get bigger and bigger.

Have you heard of the snowball effect? 

Now... if you want to keep selling random, low ticket, single sessions? Sure, you're likely to run yourself in the ground. But you'll do the same thing trying to develop and sell a full offer suite before you're ready, too.

You can absolutely sustainably generate 6+ figures with just a 1:1 offer

This will only delay the process of you actually finally having that 6-figure business (and you don’t want that!)

Listen, I'm not saying there isn't a time and place for this. But if you've made it this far down the page, I'm guessing you don't have a 6-figure biz yet, so that time is not now.

But you don’t.

It’s so easy to get caught up in shiny object syndrome of going 1:many and that you need to stop trading time for money to scale.

You can't scale with a 1:1 or done-for-you offer

Myth #3

I recommend this be a high-ticket retainer offer (either 1:1 coaching or a done-for-you package). This will allow you to bring in predictable income month after month after month, which will help you grow fast! 

If you’re serious about growing your business to $10K months, you should only focus on one main offer. 

In fact, if you try to sell multiple offers when you’re just starting out, you might find it really difficult to grow because each offer requires new content, onboarding processes, and fulfilment. 

But the truth is that those business coaches aren’t on the same journey as you. Their offer that you see on the front end might have been a total flop! Or they could actually be scaling to multiple 7 figures – in which case, that requires a completely different strategy than growing your business to consistent $10K months.

Most people believe this to be true because they see business coaches who have all different kinds of offers in their business.

I need multiple offers at multiple price points to meet people where they're at

Myth #4

is much simpler than you think

with high-ticket 1:1 or DFY retainer clients

fully booked out


The truth is…

is much simpler than you think

with high-ticket 1:1 or DFY retainer clients

booked out

Getting fully

The truth is…

If you want to use simple social media strategies to create THIS powerful transformation in your business, then I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to...

means to you.

“financial freedom”

that allows you to have everything that

booked out and scaling business

You can be the business owner with the

experience what you’ve always known is possible


A funnel that allows you to


DMs even if you don’t have many followers or are just starting out.

"I want to work with you"

A funnel that brings in

A funnel that magnetizes dream clients from the moment they lay eyes on your profile.

But they depend on using social media as a client-attraction funnel.

…you’re stuck in a 9-5 job and you want a failproof strategy to find clients, so you can say “goodbye” to your corporate cubicle for good!


…whether you’re an online service provider or coach and you’re making some income but it’s inconsistent and you’re always worrying about where your next client is coming from 

These outcomes are possible for you.

Clients on your waitlist, ready to snag a spot the moment it opens up!
The ability to hire a team member to take on some of the work, so you can scale to that next level (how does $20K months sound?!)
A deep sense of contentment, knowing you’re finally making the impact you’ve always dreamed of having on other people’s lives 

You’ll also get to experience these benefits:

(more on that in a sec!)

The CEO. Accelerator™

But maybe you don’t know that by attracting high-ticket dream clients using custom, simple social media strategies I teach inside

I don’t need to remind you of that! 

And if you’ve made it this far, you already know that those consistent cash months are your one-way ticket to financial freedom.

A simple system for getting fully booked out with high-ticket 1:1 or DFY retainer clients using Instagram™ – so you can finally experience the financial freedom you’ve been craving for so long.

The result?

But who’ve tried all the marketing strategies with very little success and are starting to think “there’s got to be another way!”

Women who have no doubt in their mind that they’ll make this whole business thing work

And daydream about what life could look like on the other side, but struggle to book enough clients to make that leap of faith…

Women who are determined to break out of their corporate cubicle

And have crushed it with clients in the past but are now struggling to bring new ones through the doors…

Women who have a killer 1:1 or done-for-you offer

And I’ve since helped countless ambitious women attract a steady stream of ideal clients too.

In just 90 days, I grew my business to 6-figures from my teeny tiny bedside table.



fully booked with high-ticket 1:1 or DFY retainer clients

The ONLY program you need as an online service provider or Coach to become

The CEO. Accelerator™

Revealing: Your key to unlocking a steady stream of new clients on repeat

Yes, I'm so ready!

Are you ready for me to show you how?

I know you’ve got the grit and determination to make it happen

This is possible for you too – and it doesn’t have to be complicated.
Growing your business can actually be simple when you use Instagram™ as a client attraction magnet paired with a little bit of elbow grease. 😉

without overcustomizing, delivering lower quality, or selling a bunch of different offers.

I’ve helped hundreds of OSPs and coaches become fully booked with high-ticket 1:1 or DFY retainer clients

Fast forward to today...

In 2020, I applied the same simple Instagram™ strategy to grow my online coaching business to 6-figures in 90 days from my bedroom… in the middle of the pandemic!

So I used my fierce determination and grit to fuel my first business (a digital marketing agency) to 6 figures in 45 days using Instagram™ as a client attraction magnet. 

I wanted to prove that I could pave my own way doing what I was actually passionate about instead of being chained to my dad’s dream.

I grew the company portfolio to nearly $1 million. Let’s just say, those eye rolls stopped. ;)

It paid off.

I even pounded the pavement in high heels door knocking in the pouring rain. 

After a lot of persuasion and eye-rolling, I built my own role as a Business Development Manager and gave it my all.

Then I approached management (yep, dad) and told him what the company was missing – which ultimately was my strategy.

I was sick of making no money and wanted to prove I wasn’t just “the boss's daughter.” So I learnt everything I could about the business and what it needed.

…I accidentally clicked CC instead of BCC in an email
…Printed out incorrect contracts for sales teams
…Gave out the wrong keys to owners
…Spilled coffee in the middle of a company meeting all over company paperwork.
…Accidentally locked a staff member inside the office late at night

I did some seriously cringeworthy things… 

I ended up working for the family real estate business where I was on minimum wage for the first year. I didn’t even have a job title. I did everything from grabbing coffee to driving to the stationery store when we ran out of paper – then getting a gazillion paper cuts trying to figure out how to load paper into six different trays.

I’m the girl who got rejected by over 100 companies. Yes – 100.

A few years ago, if you’d told me I’d be travelling in luxury, scaling to 7 figures, and helping women grow their businesses, I would have thought you were nuts.

I'm a corporate dropout turned self-made CEO helping OSPs and coaches become fully booked out with high-ticket ideal retainer clients.

Hey, I’m Elle

Introducing Your High-Performance Coach

Marisa signed two new clients within two months of joining The CEO. Accelerator™,

Hear about it directly from her!

Finally make your dreams a reality

Magnetize new clients on repeat.
Get off the revenue roller coaster.
Build your booked-out business.

Say “yes” to The CEO. Accelerator™ today and

Why delay the success of your business? Get access to all of the resources and support you could ever need to get fully booked out with high-ticket 1:1 or done-for-you retainer clients.

Secure checkout. All prices in USD.


Perfect for you if you want a group coaching setting at a higher level with daily access to Elle and your support coach and twice weekly calls to maximize your time in TCA.

JOIN now


Perfect for you if you desire the highest touch, exclusive access to Elle and Team TCC – including 1:1 access twice monthly with your support coach and small group access to Elle.

JOIN now

Have questions? Book a call!

What's included

Your investment

What's included

Your investment

Have questions? Book a call!

What's included

Your investment


Perfect for you if you want a group coaching setting at a higher level with daily access to Elle and your support coach and twice weekly calls to maximize your time in TCA.

register now


Perfect for you if you desire the highest touch, exclusive access to Elle and Team TCC – including 1:1 access twice monthly with your support coach and small group access to Elle.

register now

Have questions? Book a call!
  • 6 months access to coaching support from Elle and Team TCC
  • 1 x Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Elle for 6 months
  • 2 x Weekly Group Q&A Calls with your Sales Support Coach for 6 months
  • Daily Community Office Hours in Slack (Mon - Fri) for coaching from Elle and your Sales Support Coach for 6 months
  • Lifetime access to the TCA profit-generating program curriculum
  • Custom feedback and homework review (with unlimited submissions!)

What's included

Your investment

Have questions? Book a call!


Perfect for you if you want a group coaching setting at a higher level with daily access to Elle and your support coach and twice weekly calls to maximize your time in TCA.

register now


Perfect for you if you desire the highest touch, exclusive access to Elle and Team TCC – including 1:1 access twice monthly with your support coach and small group access to Elle.

Register now

Have questions? Book a call!
$2,997 (save $585) or 6 monthly payments of $597

What's included

Your investment

What's included

Your investment

Have questions? Book a call!


Perfect for you if you want a group coaching setting at a higher level with daily access to Elle and your support coach and twice weekly calls to maximize your time in TCA.

register now

What's included

Your investment


Perfect for you if you desire the highest touch, exclusive access to Elle and Team TCC – including 1:1 access twice monthly with your support coach and small group access to Elle.

register now

Have questions? Book a call!
  • 6 months elite and exclusive access to mentorship + coaching support from Elle and Team TCC
  • 2 x Monthly Platinum Mentorship Coaching Calls with Elle for 6 months
  • 1 x Monthly TCA Group Coaching Calls with Elle for 6 months
  • 2 x Monthly 60-minute 1:1 Coaching Calls with your Sales Support Coach for 6 months
  • 2 x Weekly Group Q&A Calls with your Sales Support Coach for 6 months
  • Private Slack channel with your Sales Support Coach for Daily 1:1 support (Mon - Fri) for 6 months
  • Daily Community Office Hours in Slack (Mon - Fri) for coaching from Elle and your Sales Support Coach for 6 months
  • Dedicated Weekly Accountability Check-Ins for 6 months
  • Lifetime access to the TCA profit-generating program curriculum
  • Custom feedback and homework review (with unlimited submissions!)

What's included

Your investment

Have questions? Book a call!

What's included

Your investment


Perfect for you if you want a group coaching setting at a higher level with daily access to Elle and your support coach and twice weekly calls to maximize your time in TCA.

register now

What's included

Your investment


Perfect for you if you desire the highest touch, exclusive access to Elle and Team TCC – including 1:1 access twice monthly with your support coach and small group access to Elle.

register now

Have questions? Book a call!
$7,997 (save $1,585) or 6 monthly payments of $1,597
Have questions? Book a call!

Would you like to be the next success story in The CEO. Accelerator™? 🎉

Revealing: Your key to unlocking a steady stream of new clients on repeat

The ONLY program you need as an Online Service Provider or Coach to become fully booked with high-ticket 1:1 or DFY retainer clients without overcustomizing, delivering lower quality, or selling a bunch of different offers.

The CEO. Accelerator™

In just 90 days, I grew my business to 6-figures from my teeny tiny bedside table – and I’ve since helped countless ambitious women attract a steady stream of ideal clients too. 

Women who have a killer 1:1 or done-for-you offer and have crushed it with clients in the past but are now struggling to bring new ones through the doors… 

Women who are determined to get off the revenue roller coaster for good because now, taking on new clients won't mean having to stop marketing yourself to new clients…

Women who have no doubt in their mind that they’ll make this whole business thing work, but who aren't making the money they want yet and can't imagine how they'll get there when they're already spending so much time creating content or doing client work.

The result?

A strategic system for getting fully booked out with high-ticket 1:1 or DFY retainer clients using simple social media strategies – so you can finally experience the financial freedom you’ve been craving for so long.


It’s time to pull back the curtain 

Preview your profit-generating program curriculum 

Set Money-Making Foundations

First thing first, we start by digging deep into your why to discover the driving force behind your pursuit for a profitable business and set tangible goals so you can predict your revenue over the coming months.

Module one

Module one

Adopt the mindset of a successful CEO with our Winning Mindset and Goals Exercises

Craft powerful daily affirmations so you can harness the power of manifesting what you want in your life

Set good, great, and excellent goals for how many retainer clients you want (and need!) to bring in over the coming months using the Retainer Clients Goal Tracker

Swipe my AM and PM CEO Routine to maximize your daily productivity

Module two

Module three

Module four

Module five

Module six

Communicate Your Profitable Offer

After you’ve set money-making foundations, it’s time to craft a profitable offer that will have dream clients DMing you in a heartbeat! 

Module two

Module two

Nail a profitable niché and position yourself as the go-to brand for that audience so ideal clients say “this is for me!”

Outline your ideal client, so you can attract them into your business with crystal-clear clarity 

Develop an offer that’s juicy, enticing, and profitable using the Simple Offer Creation Formula

Craft your Transformational Marketing Statement (aka your elevator pitch!) to magnetize clients from the get-go 

Module one

Module three

Module four

Module five

Module six

Create a Winning social media marketing Strategy

Your next step? Learn how to hit your first 6-figures quickly using ONLY social media (no fancy website or sales page required!). 

Module three

Module three

Optimize your social media account to hook leads from the moment they land on your profile

Set up your tech to easily (and regularly!) book sales calls 

Learn how to quickly build a targeted following of your dream clients using the 3,2,1 Strategy

Harness the power of hashtags using my Hashtag Research Spreadsheet 

Develop a custom marketing strategy based on where your ideal client is at, whether that's Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or even though email marketing campaigns

Module one

Module two

Module four

Module five

Module six

Attract Hot Leads on Repeat

This is where the rubber hits the road. It’s time to generate hot leads in your DMs and nurture them to the sale (or to a discovery call with you!). 

Module four

Module four

Use the proven Social Story-Selling Sequences to grab your ideal client’s attention and compel them to slide into your DMs

Swipe 7 High-Converting DM Scripts and start booking discovery calls 

Design your 6-Figure CEO. Workflow to hit $10K months + and prioritize the tasks that move the needle in your business 

Module one

Module two

Module three

Module five

Module six

Craft Magnetic Content

Grow a targeted audience of buyers month after month with proven content strategies that’ll have your prospects thinking “it’s like she’s reading my mind!”

Module five

Module five

Drive hundreds of eyeballs to your profile with a Viral Transformational Post

Engage ideal clients with the 14-Day Engagement Sequence (this works even if you don’t have an existing audience!)

Enroll high-ticket retainer clients by promoting your offer using the 14-Day Acquisition Sequence

Learn the secret method to repurposing content so you’ve always got something to share with your audience to stay front of mind

Module one

Module two

Module three

Module four

Module six

Close High-Ticket Clients

This is your time to take the money off the table! Learn the ins and outs of having successful sales conversations, drive commitment from hot leads, and get paid! 

Module six

Module six

Master the art of discovery calls and book clients on repeat using my 6 & 7 Figure Discovery Call Script

Learn how to follow up leads without sounding slimy or desperate (70% of clients convert during this process, so you can’t afford to skip it!)

Secure commitment from new clients using the Client Promise Agreement

Prepare your winning proposal using my simple, swipeable framework

Get paid your way (swipe my full tech stack for this!)

BONUS: Craft a compelling lead magnet that gets prospects ready for more 

Module one

Module two

Module three

Module four

Module five

The CEO. Accelerator™

Whether your business is making some money each month and you’re ready for it to be consistent and thriving, or whether you’re starting completely from scratch and have a crystal-clear idea of your niché and what you want to offer, you can start booking clients with a simple Instagram system and I’ll show you how inside

But I do believe that a little bit of risk in the short term can be worth it for a whole lot of reward in the long term. And there’s no prerequisite for growth! 

Now, I’m not saying you should invest if it’s going to put a financial burden on you. 

I’ll be very honest with you… When I started my business, I was scared sh*tless to invest in a mentor. But I felt I needed to. It was my fast-pass to success and I was determined to go all in, there was no plan B. I just had this sense of knowingness, a deep-rooted self belief that everything would work out – and it did. 

I hear you :)

What if my business isn’t making enough money yet – should I still join?

Questions OSPs and coaches (like you!) asked before saying “yes” to The CEO. Accelerator™

The system I’m teaching inside The CEO. Accelerator™ is specifically designed for business owners who are just starting to grow. At the stage you’re at, you’d be too advanced for the content I’m teaching. But stay tuned, because I’ve got another offer that’s customized for you coming soon. So if you’re making more than 6 figures and you’re interested in learning what the next steps are, you can jump on the waitlist.


What if I’m already making 6 figures or am close to hitting 6 figures? 

So no, it wouldn’t be a good fit for you if you’re wanting to launch or grow a group coaching program. If you're wanting to transition from 1:1 to group coaching (this offer will not be suitable for newbies!), I’m creating a special offer that’ll help you with that exact thing. click here to get on the waitlist.


Will this help me get clients for my group coaching program? 

When you’re starting a business, it can feel like there are hundreds of things you need to do. Maybe right now you’re creating content for Instagram, writing blog posts, doing email marketing, making lead magnets, networking with other business owners, generating leads, jumping in Facebook Groups… and the list goes on.

But what if we cut out ALL of that stuff (yes, ALL) and replaced it with ONE strategy that allows you to attract




Now, I’m not saying getting clients will be a walk in the park or that it’ll take next-to-no time. I’ll never sugarcoat things like some marketing gurus do and tell you that you can make infinite amounts of money working only 4hrs per week – ‘cause that’s simply not the case.


In fact, I recommend you be prepared to commit to around 20 hours of work per week in addition to going through the coursework and attending the coaching calls. If you can do this, you will see the success you’ve been dreaming of. I promise you this. But you can’t skip over the hard work. ;)  

I want to do this but my schedule is already soooo jam packed. How much time is this going to take?

Chimdi made back her investment after 2 months by booking multiple 1:1 retainer clients for her coaching sessions following our simple, step-by-step system for using Instagram as a client attraction magnet.

But I won’t sugarcoat things – while the strategy is simple, you need to put in the work. The beauty of it is that as the CEO of your business, your results lie squarely in your hands. If you’re committed to showing up and putting in the work, my team and I are committed to getting in the trenches with you and providing custom advice.


When can I expect to see a return on my investment?

I grew my business to 6-figures in just 90 days using Instagram and I’ve helped countless other ambitious women to attract their dream clients using this strategy too.


But I’ll be very honest with you: There are lots of ways to grow a business. But Instagram Instagram marketing is FAST.

It isn’t a slow burn like Pinterest.
It doesn’t require thousands of dollars of investment like Facebook Ads.
It doesn’t rely on “going viral” like TikTok. 
With Instagram, you can tell and sell things to your audience in real-time! 


If your clients AREN'T on Instagram, we will customize a strategy with you so you can meet them where they're at. We've helped multiple women build out their businesses on LINKEDIN and FACEBOOK too! 

Is Instagram REALLY the place I should be focusing all of my efforts?

We'll also have a BONUS onboarding coaching call before we start, so if you're keen to dive right in, this call will be perfect for you!

you get to choose! If you want to dive right in, you can start on December 04, 2023. Or if you want to wait until the New Year, you can start January 8, 2024. The choice is yours!

When do we start?

Yes! For Gold and Platinum purchasers, If within the 6-month period of investing, you have done the work and been active within the program and not recouped your investment, we will continue to provide coaching to you free of charge until you achieve that milestone.

Do you offer refunds or guarantees?

The CEO. Accelerator™ is your key to a fully booked out business if…

And you’ve crushed it with clients in the past but now you’re struggling to bring new clients through the doors.

You’re a coach or online service provider who has a killer 1:1 or done-for-you offer.

You've got a great offer, you're selling it, but you're stuck at $2-5K months, and you are ready to finally have the 6+ figure business that you KNOW is possible for you.

You're determined to get off the revenue roller coaster for good.

And you know the simple Instagram™ strategy inside The CEO. Accelerator™ is that all-important piece of the puzzle that will allow you to magnetize new clients on repeat.

You’ve had an inkling for a while now that your marketing strategy has been missing something.

In fact, you’re very familiar with the whole hustle thing, because you’ve been doing #allthethings for a while. You’re more than ready to say goodbye to shiny object syndrome for good and double down on the tasks that’ll actually move the needle for you.

You realize that results won’t come easy and you’re prepared to hustle a little bit for long-term gain.

10x faster than you could ever do if you tried to piece it all together on your own (after all, that’s what you’ve been doing, and it hasn’t exactly been working out so well…).

You understand the value of investing in yourself to reach your goals.

And you’re excited to be part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are putting in the work to make their dreams a reality.

You’re craving support and mentorship to hold you accountable every step of the way.

On the other hand, The CEO. Accelerator™ is NOT for you if…

You want to grow your business specifically with a course or group program 

You aren’t willing to say goodbye to all of the shiny objects...

And you want to keep marketing on multiple platforms using a hodge-podge of strategies, and you don’t want to focus in on one simple Instagram marketing strategy to grow.

You’re not committed to putting in the work.

While the system inside The CEO. Accelerator™ is simple, you can’t have the results without a little bit of elbow grease along the way. 😉

Investing in the program would create hardship for your family 

Or if you have no clue how you’d make your second or third payment if a client didn’t come through the doors.

You don’t value investing in yourself and your business.

And you’re content with continuing to piece it all together on your own by watching endless YouTube videos, downloading every freebie, and trying to dissect advice from Instagram posts. 

You're confident that you can build a fully booked out business with 1:1 or DFY retainer clients on your own

And you’re you’re not looking for mentorship and support to help you get there.

You really don’t like showing up on social media every day.

And you don’t want to use it to attract new clients. 

Chimdi earned her investment into The CEO. Accelerator™ back within one month of joining.

Hear about it directly from her!

Will you step up to the challenge?

It’s your time, CEO.

The CEO. Accelerator™ is your one-way ticket to making your dreams a reality.

If you have a fire in your belly that no matter what comes your way, you WILL make this whole business thing work with a little bit of hustle and a simple Instagram strategy on your side…


If you’re determined to break out of your corporate cubicle, done with daydreaming about what life could look like on the other side, and committed to booking enough clients to make that leap of faith…

If you're an online service provider or coach who is ready to give up the shiny object syndrome so you can finally get that influx of dream clients you’ve been searching for…

…so let’s get down to business!

If you’ve made it this far, that tells me you’re ready to do this

The CEO. Accelerator™

By now, you already know that becoming fully booked with high-ticket 1:1 or done-for-you clients can be MUCH simpler than you think, and it all comes down to…